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Stanley Lake, Idaho

Last Sunday we decided to get out of the house for the day and drove 3 hours up to Stanley Lake. We hadn’t explored that part of Idaho yet so we thought we’d see what everyone was talking about.

The drive to the lake is spent mostly up in the mountains with very little in the way of civilization. We passed through one small town, but that was pretty much it. Lots of scenery to look at, but the girls missed most of it napping along the way.

Once we made it to Stanley Lake we parked and decided to walk along a trail that winds it’s way along the edge of the lake. Stanley Lake is not very big and we could have probably made our way around the entire lake in an hour or so, but we decided to find a spot to hang out near the water and just relax.

Victoria and Sheila took turns playing in the water. The water was cold from snow runoff, but it was about 80 degrees outside so it felt good. We hadn’t brought swim suits or a towel, but that didn’t stop them from going in the water.

After about 2 hours of relaxing and taking photos of Sheila, we decided to head back to the car and make our way home. We took the less scenic, and longer, route back home through Sun Valley. We’ll definitely have to spend more time in this part of Idaho.

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