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Victoria’s 6th Birthday

April 13th was Victoria’s 6th Birthday! Her previous birthdays were mainly celebrated with family, but this year she had friends from school and wanted a party.

We started the day off by walking to a nearby park that was hosting an Easter Egg Hunt. The park was sectioned off for each of the different age groups and thousands of eggs and candy were spread out in each area. Within each area there were 3 glitter eggs containing special prizes. Victoria attended an egg hunt a few days prior at a friend’s house and found about 75 eggs. Unfortunately, today she only found about 8 eggs due to the amount of kids attending. Luckily, though, she found 2 of the glitter eggs and won a couple of gift cards. She was pretty happy about that and forgot about finding so few eggs.

When we got back home her friends started arriving. They ate pizza and snacks while playing games for about an hour and then her cake arrived. She was happily surprised by the cake, which was decorated like a unicorn. She blew out candles, everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to her, and then she opened up her gifts. All in all, she had a fun birthday!

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