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Pacific Coast Highway

Today I headed back down to Southern California for an extended weekend visit with a friend who’s stationed in San Diego with the Navy. We’re friends back from high school and have kept in touch over the years. We see each other off and on depending on where he’s stationed. Sometimes a few years pass in between visits. His family is still up in the state of Washington so his kids can finish school there so for the time being he’s by himself down in San Diego. I’m looking forward to the visit and a little golf.

Rather than make the 460 mile drive down in one fell swoop I had planned to split the drive into shorter sections, but I ended up taking my favorite highway down the coast instead of taking the quicker inland round. I drove to Monterey and then followed the coast down to Cambria before heading inland. The weather was perfect again with blue skies, a hint of fog offshore that came in now and then, and temps in the high 60’s. I stopped every once in a while to take in the sights and enjoy the scenery. I don’t care how many times I drive on this stretch of road I always enjoy it. Even with the extra traffic that comes along with the beginnings of the summer season.

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